Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

Mary Mary quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cockle shells

And pretty maids all in a row.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall Planning

It's time to prepare for a fall garden in my small greenhouse.  I let things go by the first of August because it became too hot and difficult to maintain. Everything was harvested and the watering became very costly.  I lost my Brussel sprouts for some reason they never reached maturity and began to blossom...sighs

Now I am ready to plan my Winter Greenhouse.

These are the Vegetables that I will be planting:

Spinach is a favorite for salads and savory baked meals alike. Spinach won't survive the harsh winters of the Northeast, but will tough it out through the seasons in the rest of the U.S.

Carrots survive larger containers by keeping warm deep in the soil. Carrots are great raw or roasted or even grated into sweet treats like carrot cake and muffins.