Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

Mary Mary quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cockle shells

And pretty maids all in a row.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Is it Spring yet?

 Enjoying what comes naturally.
Busy planting seeds in my greenhouse!
Tomato Seeds
4 Varieties of Tomatoes:
Superba Hybrid, Container Hybrid, Cherry & Lemon

2 Varieties of Sweet Corn:
Silver/Gold & Hybrid Container Yellow

4 Varieties of Cucumbers:
Green, Lemon Cucumbers, Bush & Pickling

3 Varieties of Beans:
Green, Royal Burgandy & Yellow Wax

Seeds started in greenhouse
Petite Carrots for Containers
Lima Beans

4 Varieties of Squash:
Yellow Summer, Zucchini, Acorn, Butternut

3 Varieties of Sweet Peppers:
Green, Yellow & Red

2 Varieties of Onions:
Red sets & White Bunching


Dwarf Sunshine Blueberry

Fruit plants started:

25 Strawberry plants
3 Raspberry bushes
2 Blueberry bushes
1 Container Banana Tree
1 Sunshine Container Blueberry bush
1 Tickled Pink Red Seedless Grapes

This year I will have a mixture of gardens, direct soil, raised beds, patio containers, poles, trellis and hanging baskets. 

Bean Tower & Garden Bed
Bean Tower & Strawberry Pyramid

I am looking forward to maintaining the areas.