Mary, Mary Quite Contrary

Mary Mary quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cockle shells

And pretty maids all in a row.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Things Needed Attending To

I worked in my garden this morning for about 2 hours before it got too hot. I think it's going to be over 90 today. There were several things that needed attending to. The Brussel sprouts were a bit crowded so I separated them. I pulled the remaining spinach and divided the sprouts to use that container. Now they have more room. I am beginning to see little baby sprouts on the stalks, they are about the size of small peas. They have several more weeks before maturity. 
See the tiny Brussel Sprouts on the stalk?
I used my new Garden Workbench, pulled it off the screened porch and used it on the patio near the garden. It worked great. It's just the right height. I made a mess of it, then hosed it off and put it back on the porch until the next time. It's very sturdy, yet lightweight and easy to move around. (Has 2 wheels on one end)
Re-potting the Sprouts using my new workbench

My handy new garden workbench